Building Your Home-Based Business

2020 and COVID-19 have changed everything.

Entire industries have shifted seemingly overnight. Working from home is finally not viewed as a sin acceptable by most employers if the position allows for it. Because of remote work ability, places like Hawaii are offering deep discounts to those who'd like to begin remote work from a paradise in the middle of the Pacific. Seriously, Hawaii is offering discounted airfare and lodging through its Movers & Shakas program — as a carrot to Silicon Valley-type hotshots who make 6 figure salaries and can work from anywhere.

All I can say is, "Wow, what a time to be alive!"

If you're like me, though, you’re not gainfully employed making 6-figures. That'd be nice, but it's certainly not the norm. Nor do I have the ability to just uproot and go work from Hawaii for a month. One can dream, at least.